• Interview: Teletext50 Mega-Feature, Pixel Addict Magazine

    Teletext’s golden anniversary is upon us, and I’ve made a not-so triumphant return to comedy with this interview for Pixel Addict magazine.

    Paul invited me back for an absolutely massive teletext feature starring many sixel-heads hovering the blockiest art & tech community around. Read all about the teletext50 exhibition and documentary projects, plus a whole bunch of surprising teletext-related stuff fit for the back of a cereal packet!

  • Joojon John

    New article: Teletext Fest 2016 retrospective for Digitiser2000

    Read it! Goujon John shall continue staring at you until you do so.

    Can’t be swayed by his piercing gaze? Then perhaps you’ll be interested in this little run-down of events at the first Text Fest in Cambridge earlier this month. It’s more of an extended diary entry than a review, but that didn’t stop us all reading (watching?) Bridget Jones’ effort.

    Disclaimer: the article linked below contains zero references to Bridget Jones. (Whoopee.)

  • New interview: ‘Not a silent titan’ for Mistigris

    Ever wanted to know about those messages I send to my mistress via teletext? Or how on earth you can get away with printing lime green text on a magenta background? Or what the pixel artists of teletext’s heyday are doing now?

    If you answered ‘no’ to all those questions, bear in mind I only typed that first paragraph for the purposes of shameless clickbait. I mean, hey – even the BBC are up to it now, so why shouldn’t I join in?

    And anyway, weren’t all teletext headlines juicy, well-formatted clickbait of the 70s?